It's Finally Happening!

Next month I’ll be moving to the USA!

After two long years and enough forms filled in to turn you bong-eyed, I can now legally work and live in the USA. The last six weeks have been more manic than ever. I’ve had to make separate trips to London for medicals and interviews, I’ve sold my house, I’ve left my job, all my belongings are currently on a cargo ship somewhere between here and America, and in between all of that I visited the US for a few weeks last month to see where I’ll be starting my new life.

I’ll be staying in the UK for Christmas and New Year then I’ll be hopping on the cheapest flight across the Atlantic. I’ve still got some unfinished business and plenty of time to get some more football in before I leave. Not to mention spending as much time with the dog as possible!

When I visited the US last month I got to meet some new friends, watch another college (American) football game, and finally have chicken and waffles for breakfast! I drove for the first time on US soil and it was terrifying, but nothing I couldn’t get used to. We even looked at some massive showhomes that I thought were well out of our budget, but at least now I know what sort of job I need to afford my dream home!

It’s going to be sad leaving family and friends behind, not to mention the life I’ve built for myself, but it’s not every day you get a chance to move continent to a different culture and start a new life. Life is too short not to try new things, and fingers crossed it’ll be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

Chris Kilgour